By John Stenen Are you a true, genuine Christian? Or do you just hope you are saved but are not sure? Many have heard the gospel numerous times, and have not responded positively to the Good News they have heard.

“Maybe when I am older I will turn to Christ” they say. “I have some wild oats I have to sow before I surrender to Christ.” On and on the excuses are made for not settling the question once and for all. Until they decide what they will do with Christ - they are lost. (I am not speaking of babies and younger children.)

The catching away of those of us who truly belong to Christ will happen one day; read (1 Cor. 15:51-58; 1 Thess. 4:1318; John 14:1-4.) When the Church is taken from earth, the last seven years, called the Great tribulation begins. When that happens, Revelation 7: tells us that people from all over the world will be saved as a result of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. I believe many of those will have heard the gospel; they were told that Jesus would come one day, but they put it off - thinking it would not happen in their lifetime. Today, we Christians are called to live for Jesus, and proclaim the gospel to others, - to serve Him each day of our lives.

During the tribulation, those who come to Christ will have to die for their belief in Christ. I would much sooner live for Jesus today, than in the tribulation. Paul tells us in Romans 9:30-33, how we are saved, or made righteous: It is by faith in all that Jesus did for us on the cross. We must be willing to repent of our sins, accept Christ (John 1:12; 3:16), and obey His Word. We should then be water baptized. If you stood before Jesus and He asked you, “Why should I let you into heaven?” What would you tell Him? “I tried to be a good person?” God bless.