Twenty-one Murray County 4-H Ambassadors hit the road to Sioux Falls, SD to have a day to create a bonding opportunity that will last them a lifetime.

Murray County 4-H Ambassadors have been busy since the fall of 2023 when their group increased to thirty-five members. Many hands make for light work, but this group never lets off the gas pedal. Each month they are looking for new ways to help Murray County 4-H and our local community. Murray County 4-H youth educator, Kim Hause, thought they were deserving of a special day dedicated to them and planned a day of events to help build their leadership skills together as a team.

The group first started out the day being challenged to an escape room event; this helps with communication between the group because you are all striving for the same goal; but shows how each thought process can help in different types of situations. After that they enjoyed a lunch at Sickie’s Garage and rounded out the day at Thunder Road where they took in several different games and activities.

Several parents and volunteers made this event possible, and we are just about certain they had almost as much fun as the youth did.

Be on the lookout for summer activities that this group will be planning, especially with the county fair coming up.